January 2016 - June 2016 News Archive |
"Better Days" Song Debut! |
Listen to a new Hem song! "Better Days" is actually an old Hem song from 2008, but it has not been available anywhere until today. You may remember this song from a Liberty Mutual commercial that used a short snippet of it. It's finally here in full, and you can listen for free. You can also always find it on the Better Days page. Thank you to Hem for letting the song debut at All About Hem! Here is a message from Hem to everyone about the song: We never quite got this song to where we felt it could be included in one of our official collections, but we still get a lot of requests for us to release it. So here it is for you to enjoy (we hope!).... |
2016 Fun: Flashback to Lincoln Center |
 | Continuing this year's batch of brand new Hem goodies that started last week, today brings a tour photo from Dawn Landes, Hem's backing vocalist and glockenspiel player (more about that soon!). Dawn took this backstage before Hem's wonderful February 9, 2006 show at the Allen Room at Lincoln Center. Find this photo and all the new 2016 goodies on the 2016 Fun Page, and find more about this particular concert (including full audio!) at the show's page. Also, Dawn just released a new EP last week with Piers Faccini called Desert Songs that you should totally buy (iTunes; vinyl) - I did! |
All About Me + Announcement of Exclusives |
Today is All About Hem's 12th birthday! As I say every year, thanks to everyone who has visited and supported the site over the years, with the biggest thanks to Hem, especially Dan, Gary, Sally, and Steve. As the site's birthday approached, I realized that there has sadly been no news updates since last January 11. So I decided to make my own news! I reached out to members of Hem to see if they had any photos, stories, songs, or anything else they could share with All About Hem. They do! Because they are awesome! In the coming days and weeks, I'll be sharing all sorts of brand new Hem goodies, including some Q&As with various band members. I'll be collecting everything from this series on what I'm calling the 2016 Fun Page. Thank you, Hem! |
2005 Concert Video and Interview |
Kicking off the fun with something not from the band but still new to the site, here is Hem on Episode 2 of Live at Club Cafe, featuring performances and interviews from performers at Pittsburgh's Club Cafe. Hem starts at about the 12 minute mark. This performance is from Hem's February 11, 2005 show and includes clips of Stupid Mouth Shut, All That I'm Good For, Redwing, Tennessee Waltz, Jackson, and Dance With Me, Now Darling, with band interviews between each clip. At least some of the performance is from the late show since two of these songs were not played at the early show, but some of the video may be from the early show - I don't know! Information about this video was shared at All About Hem long ago, since there's a link to information about it at Club Cafe's website in the tour archive. But the link is broken (I'm trying to fix all broken links - it's a sloooow process), and the show was only available to see on TV for select Comcast subscribers, so let's all pretend that this show is being shared now for the first time since it is new to the site. Fun in 2016! |
All About Hem (c) Copyright 2004-2024
This site is fan run and is not affiliated with Hem in any way. You can visit Hem's Official Website
here. You can contact me at Christina@AllAboutHem.com